
Established in 2020

simbergclay handmade ceramics functional pottery raw clay



Simone Suchet tapped into art as a child. Moving from pencil sketching to painting with acrylics, enabled her to explore a relationship with nature on another level. A keen photographer of animals, landscapes, trees and wildflowers, these images provide material for her interpretation and translation onto canvas.

The art form of ceramics was introduced into her life by Edone Petheram, a  fellow Tree Society Enthusiast and dear friend back in Zimbabwe. This sowed the seed to express her creative talent in hand-thrown clay.

“Designing and creating shapes on my potter’s wheel is the part I enjoy most of all. Clay is affected by temperature and humidity, so the process is always different.”Wishing to embrace the first step of ceramics, Simone dug raw clay from the stream bed on her land, processed it and fired it in her kiln. The deep orange colour that resulted indicated the high iron content of the terracotta clay. “I have tried different types of clay, including some from a local potter whom I wanted to support.”


“Each piece of pottery that I create is unique,  functional and durable stoneware. It is all handmade and lovingly painted, drawing upon my deep respect for designs inherent in nature and African cultures. This form of art reflects my need for authenticity in my work.”

“My studio is open to the garden where I can hear the happy song of sunbirds feeding on flowers whilst enjoying a view of the mountains. Feeling the warmth and brightness of the sunshine on my limbs in winter is wonderful. During the summer months, the grapevine above me becomes laden with grapes, the strong aroma of which attracts birds and bees. My workplace provides an organic environment that enhances the satisfying experience of moulding raw clay into art forms.”